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Anchor Windlasses and Deck Machinery

Jered offers state-of-the-art deck machinery for navy ships including the first permanent magnet motor anchor windlass selected for U.S. Navy ships.

Jered can provide multiple different marine deck machinery for navy and commercial vessels. Our products are designed to reduce installation cost, weight, maintenance, and manning. With a strong history in naval design and manufacturing, Jered delivers outstanding deck machinery that are safe, efficient, and meet the needs of the vessel’s operations.

Comprehensive Deck Machinery Product Coverage

  • Anchor Windlass
  • General Capstan
  • Hawser Reels
  • In-Haul Winch
  • Mooring Capstan
  • Slewing Arm Davit
  • Warping Capstan
Mooring line circled around general capstone on a navy ship.
Petty officer freeing anchor chain from the safety pelican

Specializing in Anchor Windlasses of All Types

We can provide all types of anchor windlasses from vertical shaft mil-spec combined with a wildcat/capstan as used on U.S. Navy destroyers as well as horizontal shaft, single or dual wildcat versions commonly used for commercial marine applications. All electric or electro hydraulic designs are available.

Innovating U.S. Navy Anchor Windlasses

  • Our design was the first permanent magnet motor anchor windlass selected for U.S. Navy ships.
  • We have provided all of the electro hydraulic anchor windlasses for the U.S. Navy’s CVN class aircraft carriers. These units handle 4 3/4 inch chain and a 65,000 lbs. anchor.

The Jered Electric Anchor Windlass

We offer a compact, modular, electric anchor windlass designed as a drop-in for ease of installation. The modular design requires only a voltage flange and brake wheel foundation deck and uses a permanent magnet motor technology combined with variable speed drive to save weight while minimizing maintenance.

Engineering design of Jered Electric Anchor Windlass.
Engineering design of the Jered Electric Anchor Windlass within the ship.

Features and Benefits

  • Modular drop-in unit for fast and easy installation.
  • Requires only normal ventilation.
  • Saves weight and space when compared with similar capacity hydraulic units.
  • Lower maintenance than hydraulic windlass.
  • Band brake is set and wildcat is declutched for independent capstan operations.

Optional Capstan Head for Electric Anchor Windlass

An optional capstan head can be located above the wildcat and be operated independently via the wildcat clutch. The capstan design can handle a tow of up to 300,000 lbs while a brushless permanent magnet motor (directly coupled to a gear reducer) drives the anchor windlass. Above and below brake control stations are provided.

The unit has a PLC-driven digital chain counter system with a display at the deck control station. The control station is equipped with a variable-speed joystick and all the necessary lights and push buttons for safe operational control.

Sailors aboard a CVN 75 secure a line to the capstan while hoisting the anchor chain aboard the ship.
Shipbuilding workers prepare to attach the starboard anchor of the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier (CVN 74).

U.S. Navy Ship Class Coverage

  • Landing Platform Dock (LPD)
  • Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD)
  • Littoral Combat Ship (LCS)
  • Landing Helicopter Assault (LHA) 5
  • Cruiser, Guided Missile (CG)
  • Guided Missile Frigate (FFG)
  • Guided Missile Destroyer (DDG)
  • Aircraft Carrier, Nuclear Propulsion (CVN)

Coast Guard Ship Class Coverage

  • Inland Buoy Tender (WLI)
  • Coastal Buoy Tender (WLM)
  • River Buoy Tender (WLR)
  • Medium Endurance Cutter (WMEC)
  • Island-class Patrol Boat (WPB)
  • Sentinel-class Cutter (WPC)
  • Treasury-class Cutter (WPG)
  • Legend-class National Security Cutter (NSC)
Mooring electric winch.